Monday, August 4, 2008

Movie: The X Files: I Want to Believe

I've waited what seemed like forever (6 years) for the release of The X Files movie. Therefore, when I first heard that it was coming out, I was really really excited. I couldn't wait to see Mulder (played by David Duchovny) and Scully (played by Gillian Anderson) together again. The fact that they kept everything so secretive prior to the release of the movie was interesting, it felt good to walk into a theatre to watch a movie without already knowing what the whole plot is. After watching the movie, I can't say that I was disappointed, but it definitely wasn't what I had expected. The X Files: I Want to Believe seemed to focus more on character development more than the actual X File, if it was an X File to begin with. There wasn't really any X Files mythology involved, so it really was a movie that anyone can go and watch, even if you're not an X Files fan.

What can be enjoyed by X Files fans is the return of the chemistry between Mulder and Scully. Although there are many changes, such as Mulder may not be as physically attractive as he one was and Mulder and Scully are no longer FBI agents, it was evident that they tried to bring back the "believer" Mulder and the "skeptical" Scully. I think this was cleverly accomplished by having Scully attempting to avoid the past and Mulder "wanting to believe". A source of disappointment for me was the fact that John Doggett wasn't included in the movie. Although many X Files fan do not consider him to be a favourite, he was one of my favourite characters.

In conclusion, I thought that The X Files: I Want to Believe wasn't great, but it was decent, it contained a little bit of everything, it was spooky, suspenseful and even inspirational.

RainbowSnow's Rating: 3/5
Links: The X Files: I Want to Believe Official Site

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