Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Movie: The Dark Knight

With the hype over The Dark Knight (directed by Christopher Nolan) this summer, it's almost impossible not to know of this movie. I'm personally not a Batman fan, however, I got tickets to see it, so I did. WOW! The Dark Knight was one of the best movies I have ever seen! The movie was two and a half hours long, but honestly, I was so engaged that I didn't feel the time go by. One of the reasons I was captivated by this movie is the fact that they go back and forth between story sequences, essentially, they show different scenes of all the things that are "happening at the same time". This keeps the audience wondering, oh no, what's going to happen now? The action sequences and stunts in this movie were impressive. People have said that this movie is very dark, and I would agree. I think that it's dark because if you think deep enough, it's true. The twists and turns of the characters were interesting and unexpected, thought I think part of that would be that I did not know any of the Batman stories to begin with. Heath Ledger's Joker performance was so frightening and real that I almost forgot I was watching a movie and he's only fictional. After watching it the first time, I heard some people say that this movie is great in IMAX, so I definitely had to go see it for a second time. The Dark Knight was amazing in IMAX! The sound and picture was so much better. Great movie and I would recommend it to anyone who has not seen it yet, even if you're not a Batman fan!

RainbowSnow's rating: 5/5
Links: Warner Brothers The Dark Knight Site

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