Sunday, March 22, 2009

Movie: Twilight

I have never read any of the books of the Twilight series, but I decided to check out what the hype was all about when they relased the DVD for Twilight. Um, after watching it, I still have no idea what the hype is all about. Since it was so popular, I honestly thought that it would have a captivating story, and if not that, then at least characters that I would fall in love with. However, it was neither, so I was rather disappointed. I felt that the "romance" in the story was rather lacking, I could barely tell that Bella and Edward were in love with each other. The obsession that they should have had for each other really didn't come through for me. I thought that the dialogue was boring and simple, but then again, that probably suits the language of today.

In terms of the acting, I think that Kristen Stewart did a pretty good job or portraying Bella Swan, mind you, I haven't read the books before, but from what I see, Kristen's Bella was totally believeable. Probably the most critized is Robert Pattison as Edward Cullen. From what I hear, he should be this totally handsome, breathtaking guy, and apparently Robert Pattison does not fit that role. In my opinion, I would almost have to agree with what I hear. Somehow Robert Pattison lacks the attractiveness that I would expect from a super mysterious vampire. As for the acting, it was all right, I'm not sure if Edward in the book is supposed to have a little emotion, but the Edward in the movie sure didn't.

What I did like about the movie was the action sequences, they were pretty good, there were times where I would think "oh no! someone is going to get hurt!" However, other than the action sequences, the movie was at most okay. Am I going to look forward to the second movie? Probably not.

RainbowSnow's rating: 1/5

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